Stunning Outdoor Places to Explore When Road Tripping the Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia


The Great Ocean Road is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Australia, and for good reason. The winding coastal drive offers stunning views of the Southern Ocean, and there are plenty of opportunities to stop and explore the many attractions along the way. We spent the majority of our five day Australia stopover enjoying this area and it’s surrounding areas as it’s just a couple hour drive from Melbourne, the hub city we flew through to get to our eventual destination of New Zealand.

We traveled via rental car and stayed in holiday park cabins which were very convenient and affordable during our visit in early February of 2023. If you’re planning a trip to the Great Ocean Road and surrounding area, here are a few of the stops you won’t want to miss.

Great Ocean Road Memorial Arch
Great Ocean Road Memorial Arch

Driving the Great Ocean Road

This seems obvious, but first let’s talk about actually driving the Great Ocean Road, a 150 mile scenic drive that hugs the coast of Victoria, Australia. The road was built by returned soldiers after World War I and today it’s one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. If you enter the road from the east, don’t miss a stop at the Memorial Arch where you can learn more about the road’s history, get your own iconic picture of the arch, and enjoy a long walk on one of the many beaches that are along this drive. The first stretch of highway from the Memorial Arch, through Lorne, and to all the way to Apollo Bay is, in my opinion, the most beautiful as the road truly runs along the coast, not inland. 

Tip: A slight detour near Lorne to visit Erskine Falls is well worth it!

Hiking to Waterfalls in Great Otway National Park

Great Otway National Park is a large park located just inland from the Great Ocean Road. We loved driving through the lush rainforest vegetation on winding back roads, looking out for farm and wildlife along the way. Our main stops included short hikes to Hopetoun Falls and Beauchamp Falls where we got to stretch our legs and explore beneath the canopy of some truly stunning fern trees. The trailhead at Beauchamp Falls is also an off-grid camping area with hilltop views and picnic tables, making it a great place to enjoy a packed lunch. Other nearby attractions we enjoyed besides waterfalls were the California Redwood Grove and the drive from Beech Forest to Apollo Bay via Wild Dog Creek Road. 

Spotting Wild Koalas in Kennet River 

Kennet River is a very small town located just off the Great Ocean Road and is home to a large population of wild koalas, which can often be seen lazing in the trees or feeding on eucalyptus leaves. While there are tours available, we simply stopped at the Koala Kafe early in the morning, grabbed a coffee to-go and started walking up the dirt road. Within a quarter of a mile, Scott spotted our first Koala, our coffee didn’t even have a chance to get cold! While we did bring our binoculars to get a closer look but some koalas were snoozing so low in the trees, binoculars were unnecessary. 

Tip: If you look on Google Maps, the name of the dirt road is Grey River Road. If you want to spot Koalas and not disturb them, avoid driving down the road. Simply park then enjoy a quiet walk in. 

Walking a Section of the Great Ocean Walk

The Great Ocean Walk is a 63 mile long track that follows the coast of Victoria from Apollo Bay to the Twelve Apostles. The walk is divided into 12 segments can be completed in as little as 12 days and offers stunning views of the Southern Ocean. And these coastal views can’t be seen from the road as this is the area where the Great Ocean Road runs inland. We drove Lighthouse Road to Cape Otway Lightstation where we then walked the Great Ocean Walk to Station Beach. We were surprised how tall the bush was through much of the hike which blocked a lot of the ocean views. While we may have had better views hiking a different section, driving through the tall gum trees that tower over Lighthouse Road made it all worth it. 

Loch Ard Gorge Great Ocean Road

Ogling the Coast in Port Campbell National Park

Hands down, Port Campbell National Park was my favorite area to explore. The park is home to a number of stunning coastal attractions, including the famous Twelve Apostles, London Bridge, and Loch Ard Gorge. We stayed in the tiny town of Port Campbell and absolutely loved it’s quaint size and convenient location to all of our favorite views and we could enjoy them at sunrise and sunset without the crowds. Dare I say, it was the most romantic spot of our entire trip. Indeed, I have so much to say about Port Campbell National Park but we all know a picture is worth 1,000 words so I left a few of my favorites below.

So, to summarize, these are just a few of the many outdoor things you can see and do along the Great Ocean Road. With its stunning scenery and abundance of attractions it’s a must-visit destination for any traveler whether they are driving all the way west to Perth or simply making an extended weekend trip from the city of Melbourne. 

With a little planning ahead, you can have a wonderful time exploring the Great Ocean Road and the many natural wonders that surround the area. Don’t forget to check out our complete our 16 day Trip to Australia and New Zealand itinerary for more planning inspiration.

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