Flamenco – song, dance, and a dash of romance!

Flamenco Dance in Barcelona, Spain


Sultry dance and flamboyant outfits are not usually of great interest to me but when an opportunity to experience others’ culture presents itself, I’m all in. Much like bull fighting, Flamenco dance is prominently associated with the Spanish culture and I had the opportunity to attend a show and experience it’s vibrant energy! The tickets were inexpensive, 17 euros, the venue was historic and conveniently located, Los Torantos, and I had little to no idea what to expect. 

The venue was simple and the stage was small but six musicians walked out as the lights dimmed. Two sat on wooden boxes and pounded on them with their hands to make drum beats, two others played the guitar, and two more sang and clapped. The music was loud, spirited, and I couldn’t understand a word of it which only added a layer of mystery to the whole experience. Soon, a blonde female dancer emerged from behind the side curtain and started to tap and clap to the music, her silky dress occasionally twirling around her. She was soon joined by a partner and his wood block heels wrapped loudly on the solid stage. They danced together and then apart in a loud slapstick manner and I felt, if I could only understand the music, a story may have been told. 

This style of dance obviously takes some skill and stamina. Each footfall had to be controlled and often the footwork was mesmerizing in speed. I had no idea Flamenco involved so much hard tap dancing, I thought it was more gentle but, instead, it is full of defiance. The skirt twirling was the most entertaining for me but, again, it wasn’t gentle. The flash of color and attitude in which the skirt would be gathered and thrown about was full of attitude. The dancers performed with energy that matched the music and sometimes it was quite and slow but mostly it was loud and rambunctious! 

Going to a Flamenco show was exciting and far exceeded my expectation, which was easy because I didn’t have one going in. But this combination of song and dance is certainly unique and will breathe a bit of energy into any night of your vacation. The show I attended wasn’t even an hour long and it gave me a good taste of culture therefore, I do recommend attending a show should you find yourself in Spain! Tarantos Website.

See more of Spain with this 12 day itinerary to Spain and Portugal.